本示例演示了如何定制 数值和日期时间选项

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using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using DevExpress.XtraCharts;
// ...

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
    // Create an empty chart.
    ChartControl chartControl1 = new ChartControl();

    // Create a bar series and add points to it.
    Series series1 = new Series("Series 1", ViewType.Bar);
    series1.Points.Add(new SeriesPoint(new DateTime(2009, 1, 1), new double[] { 26.25 }));
    series1.Points.Add(new SeriesPoint(new DateTime(2009, 2, 1), new double[] { 16.52 }));
    series1.Points.Add(new SeriesPoint(new DateTime(2009, 3, 1), new double[] { 22.21 }));
    series1.Points.Add(new SeriesPoint(new DateTime(2009, 4, 1), new double[] { 15.35 }));
    series1.Points.Add(new SeriesPoint(new DateTime(2009, 5, 1), new double[] { 24.15 }));

    // Add the series to the chart.

    // Hide the legend and series labels (if necessary).
    chartControl1.Legend.Visible = false;
    series1.Label.Visible = false;

    // Set the scale type for the series' arguments and values.
    series1.ArgumentScaleType = ScaleType.DateTime;
    series1.ValueScaleType = ScaleType.Numerical;

    // Cast the chart's diagram to the XYDiagram type, to access its axes.
    XYDiagram diagram = (XYDiagram)chartControl1.Diagram;

    // Define the date-time measurement unit, to which the beginning of 
    // a diagram's gridlines and labels should be aligned. 
    diagram.AxisX.DateTimeGridAlignment = DateTimeMeasurementUnit.Day;

    // Define the detail level for date-time values.
    diagram.AxisX.DateTimeMeasureUnit = DateTimeMeasurementUnit.Month;

    // Define the custom date-time format (name of a month) for the axis labels.
    diagram.AxisX.DateTimeOptions.Format = DateTimeFormat.Custom;
    diagram.AxisX.DateTimeOptions.FormatString = "MMMM";

    // Since the ValueScaleType of the chart's series is Numerical,
    // it is possible to customize the NumericOptions of Y-axis.
    diagram.AxisY.NumericOptions.Format = NumericFormat.Currency;
    diagram.AxisY.NumericOptions.Precision = 1;

    // Add the chart to the form.
    chartControl1.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
Visual BasicCopyCode image复制代码
Imports System
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports DevExpress.XtraCharts
' ...

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
    ' Create an empty chart.
    Dim chartControl1 As New ChartControl()

    ' Create a bar series and add points to it.
    Dim series1 As New Series("Series 1", ViewType.Bar)
    series1.Points.Add(New SeriesPoint(New DateTime(2009, 1, 1), New Double() { 26.25 }))
    series1.Points.Add(New SeriesPoint(New DateTime(2009, 2, 1), New Double() { 16.52 }))
    series1.Points.Add(New SeriesPoint(New DateTime(2009, 3, 1), New Double() { 22.21 }))
    series1.Points.Add(New SeriesPoint(New DateTime(2009, 4, 1), New Double() { 15.35 }))
    series1.Points.Add(New SeriesPoint(New DateTime(2009, 5, 1), New Double() { 24.15 }))

    ' Add the series to the chart.

    ' Hide the legend and series labels (if necessary).
    chartControl1.Legend.Visible = False
    series1.Label.Visible = False

    ' Set the scale type for the series' arguments and values.
    series1.ArgumentScaleType = ScaleType.DateTime
    series1.ValueScaleType = ScaleType.Numerical

    ' Cast the chart's diagram to the XYDiagram type, to access its axes.
    Dim diagram As XYDiagram = CType(chartControl1.Diagram, XYDiagram)

    ' Define the date-time measurement unit, to which the beginning of 
    ' a diagram's gridlines and labels should be aligned. 
    diagram.AxisX.DateTimeGridAlignment = DateTimeMeasurementUnit.Day

    ' Define the detail level for date-time values.
    diagram.AxisX.DateTimeMeasureUnit = DateTimeMeasurementUnit.Month

    ' Define the custom date-time format (name of a month) for the axis labels.
    diagram.AxisX.DateTimeOptions.Format = DateTimeFormat.Custom
    diagram.AxisX.DateTimeOptions.FormatString = "MMMM"

    ' Since the ValueScaleType of the chart's series is Numerical,
    ' it is possible to customize the NumericOptions of Y-axis.
    diagram.AxisY.NumericOptions.Format = NumericFormat.Currency
    diagram.AxisY.NumericOptions.Precision = 1

    ' Add the chart to the form.
    chartControl1.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
End Sub


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