wordgao 发表于 2015-6-6 00:08:51

DevExpress Universal 15.1.3 for .NET / VCL 14.2.2 for XE8

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DevExpress Universal for .NET components with tutorials, documentation, and source localization packageVersion download Devexpress .NET Components - Dxperience - 268 MBDownload .NET Coderush Devexpress 15.1.3 - 15.8 MBDownload .NET Devextreme Devexpress 15.1.3 - 74.7 MB

zeinyman 发表于 2015-6-6 00:10:57

本帖最后由 zeinyman 于 2015-6-6 00:12 编辑

thanks, but are you sure that cracks iw working?

轩昊 发表于 2015-6-6 00:22:07

G火龙good good

igest 发表于 2015-6-6 00:59:12

Thanks for sharing

wimy_viar 发表于 2015-6-6 00:59:39


Gobalsky 发表于 2015-6-6 01:04:16


softboy99 发表于 2015-6-6 01:09:33


maistromx 发表于 2015-6-6 04:03:54

Thx for all :D

Capri 发表于 2015-6-6 04:35:04

thank you, much appreciated

FerBedolla 发表于 2015-6-6 04:48:48

Is the crack working?

montrex 发表于 2015-6-6 05:35:31

thank you for sharing

netsoul 发表于 2015-6-6 05:36:50

thanks you master

netsoul 发表于 2015-6-6 05:41:16

FerBedolla 发表于 2015-6-6 04:48
Is the crack working?

No. it is only for 14.2

rfxavier 发表于 2015-6-6 05:52:47

本帖最后由 rfxavier 于 2015-6-6 06:04 编辑

crack is Dimaster.... does it work? Anyone tested?

windmyth 发表于 2015-6-6 06:56:16


tiku 发表于 2015-6-6 07:20:39

but is there any crack ?

tiku 发表于 2015-6-6 07:22:03

The Patch 6.2 is not working with this version

liumeice 发表于 2015-6-6 07:59:50


dlsandy 发表于 2015-6-6 08:01:27

thank you very much!

ookk 发表于 2015-6-6 08:19:44


yujunlee 发表于 2015-6-6 08:29:40


antonylu 发表于 2015-6-6 08:39:51

Thanks for sharing, it's good news

ssjun 发表于 2015-6-6 09:41:49


wordgao 发表于 2015-6-6 10:47:32

昨天太晚了,没更新及时,还有文件没上传完,今天继续更新,还附送danny_su-DevExpress Registration Add-In v15.13,最新文件。

wordgao 发表于 2015-6-6 10:52:34

crack is Dimaster.... does it work ok,Universal test invalid, the other not tested.
Others estimate no problem。

wordgao 发表于 2015-6-6 11:01:56

crack is update ,Like on the next, not like you can come down, programs are downloaded abroad over.

ahvazy 发表于 2015-6-6 11:17:22

本帖最后由 ahvazy 于 2015-6-6 11:21 编辑

thanks for sharing

oscaraldea 发表于 2015-6-6 11:23:44

thanks, a crack valid please!!, waiting

阿力 发表于 2015-6-6 11:37:24


linzer 发表于 2015-6-6 15:10:04

Thanks for sharing
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查看完整版本: DevExpress Universal 15.1.3 for .NET / VCL 14.2.2 for XE8